Make A Difference


Abide With Care Challenge

Do you have a desire to make a difference in the world but are not sure how you can contribute?

Together, we can accept the challenge to abide with care to create a more compassionate and equitable society where we are an active part of the solution.

Join us in taking bold action in practical ways to champion positive change in our workplaces, schools, places of worship and communities. 

Accept The Challenge

Simple Acts Make A Difference

Be The Light.

Your commitment to a world where everyone is valued and respected will allow us to dismantle the negativity surrounding the ways we are unique, while valuing what we have in common: our humanity. 


The ABIDE WITH CARE Challenge is an intentional movement with one simple requirement:

a personal commitment to growth. 

Accept The Challenge

DEI Has Been Misrepresented.

It Is Not About Denying Your Beliefs.

ABIDE WITH CARE exists to reinforce our ability to create safe spaces for everyone to belong through respectful dialogue, education and inclusive behaviors. 


Our mission is not about changing ideological beliefs or choosing sides. We want everyone to be treated with care and have a seat at the table.


Through small, but intentional steps, we can live out our values centered around C.A.R.E. 

Join us as we create awareness about the importance of appreciating diversity, respecting everyone, and embracing inclusion. 


The voices against DEI are loud, but they are not the majority. 

Through the ABIDE WITH CARE Challenge, we will shine a light on what DEI is, by educating ourselves on the true heart of its purpose.

This growth journey will allow you to demonstrate care to everyone you encounter with the support of other advocates on the same mission from across the globe. 

Your voice matters. Your actions make a difference and your commitment will change the world for the better. 

As a change agent in the ABIDE WITH CARE Challenge you believe that care is a language, we can all speak and is demonstrated through simple, consistent action.


We want to create a space for everyone to engage in DEI.


As you accept this Challenge, you agree to incorporate the tenants of the KEIRUS C.A.R.E. model throughout your daily interactions, conversations, and actions. 


Perfection is not the goal. 

A commitment to learning and growth is what we are after, and we are here to support you through community building and education.

Have questions about the Challenge? See our FAQ.

Complete The Challenge


Because I commit to Creating Awareness: 

  1. I will step outside my comfort zone and learn more about different communities.​ 
  2. I will stay informed about the issues that impact at-risk or marginalized communities.​ 
  3. I will promote opportunities for others to learn and grow. 


Because I commit to Appreciating Diversity:

  1. I will use affirming words and actions to highlight the strengths of my team members.​ 
  2. I will seek collaborative, mentoring, or networking opportunities with people who are different from me.​ 
  3. I will expand friendships by investing in authentic relationships with people who are not like me. 


Because I commit to Respecting Everyone:

  1. I will speak up when I witness bias or disrespectful words or actions.​ 
  2. I will practice active listening and withholding judgment.​ 
  3. I will promote healthy dialogue in times of conflict.​ 


Because I commit to Embracing Inclusion:

  1. I will advocate to ensure all voices are heard.​ 
  2. I will manage my bias by unlearning practices that devalue others. ​ 
  3. I will invite conversations for deeper understanding. 

Complete 3 Easy Steps To Join The Challenge

  1. Choose one area of the KEIRUS C.A.R.E. model you want to emphasize right now.
  2. Identify one action you will commit to practicing daily.
  3. Submit your selections to join the Challenge!

Note: Must be 18 years or older to participate.

Create your own user feedback survey

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does It Mean To Accept The ABIDE WITH CARE Challenge?

Accepting the ABIDE WITH CARE Challenge means you are committed to practicing C.A.R.E. as defined on this site. Remember, the goal is progress, not perfection.

When you sign-up to be part of the Challenge, you will identify one aspect of C.A.R.E. you will focus on practicing right now.

To support your growth, we will send you tips and best practices, and check-in with you periodically about your progress.

What Happens After I Accept The Challenge?

To support your growth, we will periodically send you free resources with tips and best practices about how to demonstrate C.A.R.E. in your daily routine. We will check-in with you about your progress with the personal commitment you identified at the time you signed-up.

What Can I Do To Spread The Message of C.A.R.E.?

By accepting the ABIDE WITH CARE Challenge, you are already off to a great start! Now, we encourage you to pass it on. Challenge your friends, coworkers, neighbors, religious community and family members to join the Challenge with you!

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